Indian Givers, nuova protest-song di Neil Young

Istant-song e protest-song: "Indian Givers" è stata scritta e registrata in due settimane, e rilasciata ieri in rete con un video. In questa canzone, che prosegue la lunga lista di protest-song dell'ultimo decennio, Neil Young si schiera dalla parte dei Nativi Americani contro l'installazione di oleodotti petroliferi nel Dakota. In particolare fa riferimento all'arresto di un nativo (soprannominato Happy) che si era legato agli oleodotti per protestare. Il brano ha un sound blues a metà tra Greendale e Fork In The Road.

There’s a battle raging on the sacred land
Our brothers and sisters have to take a stand 

Against us now for what we all been doing 
On the sacred land there’s a battle brewing
I wish somebody would share the news
Now it’s been about 500 years
We keep taking what we gave away 

Just like what we call Indian givers 
It makes you sick and gives you shivers
I wish somebody would share the news
Big money going backwards and ripping the soil
Where graves are scattered and blood was boiled 

When all who look can see the truth 
But they just move on and keep their groove
I wish somebody would share the news
Saw Happy locked to the big machine
They had to cut him loose and you know what that means

 That’s when Happy went to jail 
Behind big money justice always fails
I wish somebody would share the news
Bring back the days when good was good
Lose these imposters in our neighborhood 

Across our farms and through our waters
 All at the cost of our sons and daughters
Our brave songs and daughters
We're all here together fighting poison waters 

Standing against the evil way 
That’s what we have at the end of day
I wish somebody would share the news


  1. very good, good luck for your fight dear sioux.
    the drums are good, missing a guitar solo


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